#StoryaDay Wrong Stop

My September Story a Day for the day. I’ve gotten a bit distracted and haven’t kept up. Time to get back on track.

“Ding! Stop garh blar garh,” announced the jumbled robotic voice of the light rail system.

Ty still absorbed in his Thermodynamics book hopped off one station too soon, not paying attention to where he was going. As he headed towards the station exit he walked right into a large man.

“What here you’re going, punk!” The man screamed as he threw Ty’s book onto the tracks.

“No, I need that book to study for my exam tomorrow,” Ty lamented.

“If you don’t get out of my way, nerd, you’re going to be next,” the large man snarled as the next train raced over the book on the tracks.

Once the man hopped on the train and it sped away Ty felt it was safe to hop onto the tracks to retrieve his battered book and head home. He never saw the returning train coming.


#StoryaDay Spilled Coffee

My September Story a Day for the day.

Finally the assignment was complete. All night spent typing and retyping as the coffee pot emptied. Now all Shandra needed to do was send her professor a perfectly worded email with the email attached. 

Shandra leaned back to reread her email setting her coffee mug down. The mug plopped down a little too forcefully and spilled cold black coffee all over her laptop as it toppled over. ‘Sizze’…the computer hissed before the screen turned as black as the coffee staining the sheets of notes on the desk. An enite night’s work gone.

FRIDAY FICTIONEERS: What does it look like?

Dr. Lantha’s misadventures continue…

Copyright – EL Appleby

Copyright – EL Appleby

“Have you seen…well, it’s a bit of a… well, it’s hard to describe really…” Dr. Lantha struggled to give the police officer a description.

“What does it look like? Height, weight, unique features?” the officer prodded.

“What would you say, Otto?” Dr. Lantha desperately looked to his chimpanzee lab assistant for some help. Otto just shook his head, wanting no further part in this malady.

“What color is it?” the officer continued.

“Well…you see… the hind end is stripped…like a zebra.” Dr. Lantha described as Otto rolled his eyes.

“A zebra?” the officer questioned, not looking up from his notepad.

—Sci-fi: 100 words—

You can check out the rest of Dr. Lantha’s misadventures by clicking on Dr. Lantha in the Category list on my blog’s side bar. They are pieces that I am now working to editing together into a complete longer story. 


Last Stop

train station

train station (Photo credit: nolifebeforecoffee)

As the rails of the train clicked and clacked, Christopher watched his young daughter play with her doll. She had her mother’s playful smile-that shy, playful smile that had smiled at him as they said their vows; that same smile that giggled with shyness later that wedding night. He had no idea his shy bride would turn out to be a freak in the bedroom after Christina was born. At first Christopher did not question his timid wife’s new boldness and just went along for the ride, but as the new clothes, odd phone calls, mysterious appointments started affecting their daughter, he started digging. It wasn’t just one man, it wasn’t just an affair. She was sleeping with multiple men, doing unspeakable things with them.

Christopher let out an audible sigh of grief.

Christina looked up from brushing her doll’s hair, “Are we there yet?”

“Soon, baby, soon,” Christopher responded exhausted. The argument had taken its toll. Rebecca blamed everything on him. Had he not been a good husband, a good father?! She even had the audacity to claim Christina wasn’t his before she grabbed the wheel. Christopher just couldn’t believe it. He was there for her delivery; the doctor handed her to him as soon as she was born. She smiled and the whole world stopped in that moment. Christina was his little girl-he just knew it in his soul.

The brakes of the train brought it to a screeching halt with Christopher’s resolution.

“Last stop, Station 42!”

“Do you think mom’s already there?” Christina asked as she grabbed her doll and skipped ahead.

Christopher tried to smile a response; hoping to hide the knowledge of his wife’s affairs praying Christina didn’t remember the argument or the freak accident. Why did Rebecca have to grab the wheel!

“Look its grandma,” the Christina exclaimed as she jumped onto the platform, “But wait–I thought grandma was an angel…”

—318 words—

Trifecta: Week Eighty

This week’s word was suggested by Marie Nicole.  Have fun with it and we’ll see you on Friday.

FREAK (noun)

1a : a sudden and odd or seemingly pointless idea or turn of the mind

 b : a seemingly capricious action or event
2archaic : a whimsical quality or disposition
  • Your response must be between 33 and 333 words.
  • You must use the 3rd definition of the given word in your post.
  • The word itself needs to be included in your response.
  • You may not use a variation of the word; it needs to be exactly as stated above.
  • Only one entry per writer.
  • If your post doesn’t meet our requirements, please leave your link in the comments section, not in the linkz.
  • Trifecta is open to everyone. Please join us.


Copyright -Kent Bonham

Copyright -Kent Bonham

In apartment 205 Lucy’s alarm screamed repeatedly to be silenced as the midday sun berated it through parted shutters. There had been no need for Lucy to set the alarm, she was let go on Friday. All that hard work, all those long hours at the office, had been for nothing.

Perhaps she had forgotten the alarm was still set for Monday morning when she poured a tall glass of wine Saturday night. Perhaps she set it on purpose as a way to pull her back to reality as she popped pill after pill, finishing off the bottle of wine.

—–100 words—–

Part 1: Imaginary




Pills (Photo credit: ShawnOster)

She was gone every day before dawn, but the extra time Lucy had been putting in didn’t pay off as the project she had been wanting went to a male colleague. She worked late into the evening only to still get stuck in traffic. She wolfed down a gas station package of chocolate doughnuts and a soda for dinner while sitting two hours in traffic only to arrive home after dark. Once home Lucy stripped down and turned on the TV to some reality show. It didn’t matter though, as she muted the catty bickering, crawled into bed, turned on her favorite CD and took the little blue pills that opened a door to her imaginary world away from work, bills, and traffic.

A violet sky with lullabies written in the clouds above a field of paper poppies lured Lucy away from the doorway as the night progressed. The wind whispered the stories of the rain until the alarm rang and it was time for Lucy to begin her day in the real world again.

—–175 words—–

Trifecta: Week Seventy-Five

This week’s word is:


1: a usually swinging or sliding barrier by which an entry is closed and opened; also : a similar part of a piece of furniture
2: doorway
3: a means of access or participation : opportunity <opens new doors> <door to success>
Please remember:
  • Your response must be between 33 and 333 words.
  • You must use the 3rd definition of the given word in your post.
  • The word itself needs to be included in your response.
  • You may not use a variation of the word; it needs to be exactly as stated above.
  • Only one entry per writer.
  • If you know your post does not meet the requirements of the challenge, please leave your link in the comments section, not in the linkz.
  • Trifecta is open to everyone.  Please join us.
This week’s challenge is community judged.
  • For the 14 hours following the close of the challenge, voting will be enabled on links.
  • In order to vote, return to this post where stars will appear next to each link.  To vote, simply click the star that corresponds with your favorite post.
  • You can vote for your top three favorite posts.
  • Voting is open to everyone. Encourage your friends to vote for you, if you wish, but please don’t tell them to vote on a number.  The numbering of the posts changes regularly, as authors have the ability to delete their own links at any time.
  • You have 14 hours to vote.


Bus Trials

Bus only lane on highway in Korea (taken at Si...

Bus only lane on highway in Korea (taken at Singal JC, Gyeongbu Expressway, Korea) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


PM      19-Jun Hurry up bus before the next wave of rain gets here!


PM      19-Jun Trying to catch a break and get the bus during a lull in the storm. Don’t wanna end up soaked again.


PM      19-Jun Rain came before the bus, but finally made it on.


PM      19-Jun On the bus, out of the rain, but it stopped 1 stop down, haven’t gone anywhere, no clue, bus seems to be running.


PM      19-Jun Bus was broke. Thanks for the heads up driver. I abandoned ship with the rest of the inpatients.


AM     20-Jun Happy summer!


PM      25-Jun Hello summer! Nothing like waiting for the bus when it is over 100 and humid. Def an ozone orange day today.


AM     26-Jun Oh, please don’t let me disturb you guy sleeping next to me on the bus. Just stretch out and take all the room.


PM     26-Jun Already 105. HOTT!


PM      26-Jun Jogging to catch the bus when the current air quality I’d red not the best of ideas, but it beats waiting in 110+ temps for the next bus.


PM      12-Jul  Made it to the bus despite the flooding, but the bus can’t seem to make it to the highway. Too many flashing lights ahead.


PM      12-Jul  I swear if I don’t get off this bus soon I’m going to be sick.


PM      17-Jul  Well the radar at my desk showed a break I’m the storm; it lied…


PM      31-Jul  Oh, why do you torment me so…


PM      31-Jul  3Rd bus with no seats what’s the deal! I’m dying in the heat


PM      31-Jul  Fourth time is the charm, must be traffic or everyone worked late.


PM      2-Aug  Third time’s the charm on the buses today. Only had to wait an hour in 100 degree weather and walk up 6 streets to find a less long line.


PM      2-Aug  Great waited all that time for a bus and got in a wreck. Yes were the ones pulled over at the Pkwy.


PM      2-Aug  Maybe we’ll get home today…


PM      2-Aug  The police have arrived!


PM      2-Aug  More police on the scene…


PM      2-Aug  back on the bus, the police want our info, they’re moving it’s to the office depot parking lot


PM      2-Aug  Finally off the bus and headed back to my car.


PM      6-Aug  And the bus trials continue… Bus hit something in the road, awful noise, burning rubber, and we’re broke down in the HOV.


PM      6-Aug  Made it onto another bus, headed to the PnR.


PM      6-Aug  The bus hit a tire from another vehicle. Not much room to avoid it in the HOV.




Write on Wednesdays from StoryADay.com


[Writing Prompt] Transport Yourself:


Write A Story That Features A Mode of Transportation You Have Used So Often You Take It For Granted.


My story is a little different today in that I’ve gathered some tweets that I made wile riding the bus last summer when nothing seemed to go right and put them in for you tale. Names have been changed to protect the innocent 🙂


29 Years

For 29 years, Lorina paid her dues helping young children learn and watched bullies grow stronger under chief bully Dr. Tatchell. It was no wonder there were so many weaker kids getting picked on when all they had to do was look at the leader of the school yelling and throwing books at his own timid teachers. Lorina had sat in the corner watching it all go by long enough. Life was too short; her mother’s funeral yesterday had showed her that. Lorina knocked on Dr. Tatchell’s door.
“What!” he growled.
She cracked opened the door, not bothering to step inside, before shouting, “I quit!”


Check Out StoryADay.org Write On Wednesday for the Back Story Prompt!

Spiritual Illumination

Little Budai, miniature shrine I ordered from  KM Fields' Elemental Enchantmentshttp://www.etsy.com/shop/ElementalEnchantress

Little Budai, miniature shrine ordered from KM Fields’ Elemental Enchantments

Waiting for church to begin Sunday morning she overhears her mother and grandmother gossiping about some of the other parishioners entering the sanctuary. She can’t believe they are talking that way in God’s house.

“Can you believe she’s wearing that-to church?”

“No, did you hear about her…”

“Hey, we’re in church. I don’t think you’re supposed to be saying things like that, especially in church.”

“Shouldn’t you be heading off to Sunday school?” her mother chides, banishing to the children’s annex so she could continue her saintly gossip. “Make sure you stop at the restroom to fix your hair.”

Reluctantly, she trots over to the Teen Room for Sunday school, not stopping to fix her hair. She doesn’t care about the whole image thing at church like her mother and grandmother. It’s a sham. Disenchanted with the whole hell fire and damnation thing, week in and week out, this is bound to be another spectacular Sunday-funday.

The preaching here just does not match up with the Word. People talk the talk, but don’t walk the walk; case in point the early incident with her mother and grandmother. In the Bible, Jesus not only preached of love, charity, kindness, and forgiveness he lived it. Here the preacher and leaders of the church say- don’t do ABC and go to Hell; or do XYZ and go to Hell. Yes, they throw in a bit about forgiveness, but they don’t spend a lot on it. It’s all about the rules. What’s right, what’s wrong, whose best, what looks the best. They want to project a good image. They all follow one another, like lemmings, maybe they will follow each other off a cliff, she thought, maybe off a cliff right into the pit of hell. That would be ironic.

Lost in her thoughts of what would really lead someone to hell, she failed to notice that this week’s Sunday school lesson is “Christian Entertainment” before the leader had starts and it is too late to ditch. Yes, she would be in trouble if her mother caught her ditching again, but for this topic it would be worth it.

The title is deceptive. One would think that the Sunday teen leader would be talking about Christian rock bands and faith-based movies. No, nothing of the sort! The leader starts with “Devil’s” music. He doesn’t single out rock or metal. Pop music with it sensationalized sexuality is sending all in the room straight to Hell for listening to it. Their music videos are just a gateway into the movie segment, the violence and the gore. Just when she thinks it can’t get any worse, the leader starts in on the traditional topic of literature and banning books. The hot Twilight Series is the leader’s favorite to rail against. He knows so much about the movies and books; she begins to suspect him for a closet Twi-hard. He spends the last twenty minutes on how the honeymoon scene is different than the book, and of course how premarital sex is wrong and any kind of “kinky stuff” is also going to land you in a pit of fire. If he knew what was downloaded onto her Kindle, he would surely start an exorcism.  Not that he could get rid of 50 shades of anything.

After being culturally assaulted for an hour, she booked it the hell out of there and vowed that she would find her own spiritual path. A path of love and kindness. Not following anyone. Not being led off some cliff by misinformation, by the word of man, into the pit of Hell.


Write On Wednesday

Inner Thoughts-Write a story in the present tense, from a limited third person perspective.

Weekly Photo Challenge: Illumination

Though this tale is not about  what Buddhist texts traditionally refer to as spiritual illumination, I hope that everyone at some point in their life has their own version of spiritual illumination. A point in which they decide to stop being a follower and discover what spirituality and religion mean to them, personally.

Daily Prompt: Polite Company

Yesterday’s Daily Post Prompt was discussing politic and religion among acquaintances which inspired today’s tale. The distinction comes in “discussing” and “talking” rather than what we normally find, the force feeding of one’s own agenda and views down another’s throat.

When religion or government starts force feeding an agenda or ideology, its time for you to stop following and shine the light back on them.

Dodge This


There was nothing worse than starting the day with gym class, except starting the day with gym class on dodge ball day. You never had enough time to do your hair and could never get clean enough in the shower.

Even that wasn’t going to bring Evelyn’s spirits down today, because she had been practicing for months for the State Orchestra try outs which had finally arrived. Finally she was put Miss Goody-Goody, Misty Rider in her place. Misty always had flawless hair after gym class, was always first sting, was always Mr. Wayne’s favorite. Not today!

As fate would have it Misty ended up on the opposite team during dodge ball. In the final game it was down to Misty verses Evelyn, a precursor to what was still to come for the State Orchestra try outs. Misty lunged and faked to the left. Evelyn took her shot, but missed by a mere inch to the right of Misty’s shoulder. Misty took aim and…

“Ahhhh, my nose!” Evelyn sobbed as the blood pooled onto her hand.

“Let’s get you to the nurse,” said Ms Rivera. As she marched Evelyn passed Misty, she gave a sly grin to her bloodied opponent.