Dawn’s Love Song

“The earth has music for those who listen” –George Santayana

Outer Banks, NC 2007

Outer Banks, NC 2007

The morning sun begins peeking through the curtains as they blow in from the summer, ocean breeze far too early. Not ready for the long day, we snuggle under the covers listening to the love song the gulls begin to call across the warming white sands of the island. From outside our window we can hear the gentle kiss of the sea-foam on the beach below and we tangle ourselves in the sheets and ’round one another. As the tide comes in, the waves making love to the shore crescendo to match our own.

Dawn sings a love song
listen for her by the sea
a sweet melody

—108 words—



Secrets Revealed

Vulcan (Roman counterpart of Hephaestus) by Pe...

Vulcan (Roman counterpart of Hephaestus) by Peter Paul Rubens. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


Hot iron striking

Zeus demands more

Thunder and lightning

No time to find her


Unfaithful bride

Loves all but he

Nowhere to hide

Ares and Aphrodite


Lovers caught in the act

Brought before all

Cooler heads transact

To spare Hephaestus from a brawl


A bride returned

To an unhappy husband

His affections spurned

Only fire obeys his command


His disgust in hiding

As his bride’s belly rounds

Hot iron striking

Anvil pounds

nowhere to hide

from the gods’ watchful eyes

secrets revealed



The Ligo Haibun Challenge is back.

We have two choices for you this week. You may choose either one of those mentioned below.



Strike while the iron is hot – Chaucer



Down At The Crossroads

I sang away my life’s blues on this old guitar from New Orleans to Montreal. When I came to the crossroads, I got down on one knee and praised the Lord for a safe journey. I had retraced, in reverse, the path of my ancestors. Some of the earliest French settlers in New France, fur traders that made their way along the Great Lakes and down the Mississippi from the Big Easy  to  La Métropole, stopping at Memphis, St Louis, and more along the way. What it must have been like, settling a new land, starting a new life. Now I know, know the land they walked, the waters they traversed, as my life nears its end.


Life is a journey
You’re fondest memories made
Down at the crossroads


Sing to Me Sunshine

Tam took over care for her ailing grandmother, Xuan, in the evenings after class at the university when her mother went to work at the hospital’s night shift. After dinner her grandmother often requested she play the harp-like instrument from the old country for her as she drifted off to a medicated sleep. Always demanding Tam sing to her in English, Xuan would start in on a long rant about how much she had sacrificed coming to this country to give them good future if Tam started in their native tongue.


Roses love sunshine, violets love dew
Angels in heaven, know I love you
Angels in heaven, know I love you.


Xuan never spoke of the old country, only of the opportunities they had before them here in this country. Tam wondered what her grandmother would say if she told her that she would be studying abroad in the old country next semester. Would she be proud?  Or would she be angry? Tam and her mother had agreed it was best for Xuan’s health that she not know, for now, but Tam did not know how her mother could care for her grandmother all by herself and support them at the same time. Maybe she shouldn’t go…


dreams held to tightly

a new angel sings sweetly

dawn’s sun shines brightly

—–22o words—-





Dance, Temptation, Seduction

She flirtingly glanced
Slyly in my direction
I bowed and we danced


modest flirtation
an invitation
     we dance
music vibration
body seduction
     a dance
steamy gyration
fiery rotation

inflaming passion
unholy temptation
 we dance
sweet persuasion
lethal negotiation
 a dance
an invitation
modest flirtation


dare we take the chance



Oh Fortune!

Oh Fortune send me some good luck
With Cupid’s arrow I’ve been struck
The devilish gods have run amuck
An unwilling bride I’ve been stuck

A runaway bride I’m after
No help from stern looking pastor
Or wedding guests’ haunting laughter
Love is a complete disaster

Fortune,  favor my brave standing
Throughout love’s misunderstanding
Bring me peace and understanding
No more of my heart’s demanding

Fortune send me luck
Deny my heart’s desires
Love flows by, one way


Līgo Haībun Challenge ~ Prompt: Fortune Favours The Brave













The haībun format here for the Līgo Haībun Challenge is as follows ~

paragraph (more than one paragraph is fine, or just a few sentences) in prose form of either

  • a descriptive passage , or excerpt from a story/or previously published post
  • an explanation 
  • a tale
  • a travelogue
  • a news item
  • a recipe


  • the haiku/collection of haiku related to the text  to close. The haiku should be as authentic as possible, with therefore no syllable count, no capitals or full stop.



Photo:  Public Domain Anonymous Artist from Holland

Allegory of Fortune.
Date: circa 1520-1530