Weekly Photo Challenge: Sam Resolved


Turning back to his coffee, Sam resolved to make this year the year of Taste. he could almost taste the coffee now, almost. The sweet aroma he inhaled would have to satisfy him until he could make an appointment with Dr. Russell.

“Once I can taste the food, I’ll learn to cook the food.,” Sam grinned as he planned the year ahead. Next Thanksgiving would be at his house. He would cook the whole meal, delectable delights he would savor each taste test. No longer would family gatherings be torture.

“This is my year!” Sam resolved as he headed home.

Sam’s Appointment

A January fog rolled over the city as Sam headed to the clinic for tests that he hoped would allow him the first taste of food. The ominous buzz of the morning commute did not dampend his spirits though, it was a new year of new possibilities.Sam arrived for his appointment half an hour early as requested to fill out the mountains of paper work it took to be a essentially a lab rat. Even with arriving early he had to wait to be seen by the team of specialists, apparently his condition wasn’t rare enough to warrant immediate attention.After the nurse checked his vitals, Sam was called to a stark white room with a large mirror where he was asked to try various foods.

“Please try this pepper,” the attendent asked handing Sam a ghost chili.


Story A Day Sept 29: Coffee Shop

Sam entered the coffee shop full of shopping warriors on the Saturday afternoon after Thanksgiving fueling up for a day’s worth of sale busting and packing wrapping. Christmas carols faintly fluttered in and out over the chattering of the noise and clanging of cups by the baristas. The sweet aroma of caramel and bitterness of expresso overpowered the tiny shop.

This is what made the coffee shop Sam’s favorite place. Even though he couldn’t tase the grade black coffee he ordered nor the pumpkin scone, the aroma of the coffee  and pastries overpowered his sense of smell in the tiny shop. For someone who could not taste the bitterness of his coffee nor the sweetness of the his scone, the fragrance of the coffee shop was heaven.

Every Saturday morning, Sam came to the coffee shop and ordered a coffee and a scone. It was his weekly ritual. One he desperately needed after another depressing Thanksgiving. Sam savored the perfume of his coffee as he watched the shoppers rush in and out. How he envied their ability to taste thier morning treats. How he pitied them for not taking the time to appreciate the gift they had.

Story A Day Sept 23: Red Rice and Spam

I do not like green eggs and ham.

But I would eat red rice and spam,

My good Sam.

I would eat them on the deck

I would even grab the check.

I would eat them up North.

I would eat the on the Forth.

I would eat them here.

I would eat them there.

I would eat them anywhere.

I would eat them with the cook.

I would eat them on top a book.

I would eat them at dawn

I would eat them right out on the lawn.

Will you not join me, Sam?

For some red rice and spam.


Fanfic ala Dr. Seuss