Friday Fictioneers: Zombie Hospital

Friday Fictioneers: Every Friday authors from around the world gather here to share their 100-words based on the photo prompt and offer constructive crit and encouragement to each other. This creates a wonderful opportunity for free reading of very fresh fiction! Readers are encouraged to comment as well. Read my Entry Below:


Copyright-Rich Voza

Copyright-Rich Voza


Leona had successfully hid from the zombie mob led by her ex-boyfriend for months, only to now find herself surrounded and trapped at the Berryhill Mental Hospital.

“I’ll have your brain for what you did to me, Leona!” the long hallway echoed.

She tried to open the doors as she ran, looking for a place to hide, but they were all locked. Exhausted and and out of breath, she reached the end of the hall. Only one more door to try as the zombies closed in. It opened.


“The patient is awake doctor.”

“Good, let’s see if she’ll cooperate.”

2 thoughts on “Friday Fictioneers: Zombie Hospital

  1. Mental hospitals and zombies seem to go together, don’t they? A little grammatical suggestion on your first line. It should be hidden, not hid.
    Thanks for you comments on my story.
    Also I’d urge you to enter your URL in the linkz tool. Click on the blue froggy face to the bottom left of the prompt on my page. This will direct more traffic your way. .

  2. Abraham says:

    Very nice.
    Theme similar to mine, but yours has a much more dramatic ending.
    I like it!

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